Let’s face the truth; a new van from the factory is better than a used one. First, you have the extended warranty that covers you against many problems. However, at times you could opt for a second-hand van. Most people get drawn to buying used vans owing to their cost. But before you exchange your dollars against the used trailer do your research.
For the smart tips on buying a used van, check on the following parts of the car;
1. Braking system
A good way of assessing the braking mechanism is to perform a test drive. A straight line is ideal. As you apply the brakes, the vehicle should come to a halt without swaying to the left or right. Also, pay attention to any squealing sounds. Confirm the vans response to even emergency brake.
2. Outward manifestation
Carry out a thorough check on the vehicle’s body. Look out for any scratches, rust or dents. Traces of rusting on the sills and wings are easy to spot. Other prime areas to check out for signs of rusting include door frames, below the bumpers, under the wheel arches and the windscreen corners. Test for corrosion on all the rusty parts; gently push in those parts. When a cracking sound meets your ears, then it’s highly corroded beneath.
A freshly painted used van before the sale raises doubts. It could be an attempt to conceal some defaults.
3. Lighting system
The van’s light has a direct connection with its electrical system. Any flickering or dimming light is a wrong signal. Particularly you have to be sensitive on the following;
• Headlights
• Emergency lights
• Indicators
• Interior lights
4. Condition of the tires
One of the top tips for buying a used van is to study its tires. On the normal circumstances, a vehicle’s tires wear out uniformly. Be keen on the sidewall and threads. They should be uniform and without any bulges. Irregular wearing of tires could mean problems with suspension, steering or tracking. Lastly, it must possess a useful spare tire.
5. Suspension
A vans suspension should permeate it to make a single bounce before retiring to a stationary point. You can perform a test on that by pressing down your van on every corner. Alternatively, you can perform a test drive to check out on the efficiency of the shock absorbers.
6. Inside appearance
The van’s interior is equally important as the outer surface. While in the van, test the windows and determine whether their electric systems are functioning. There shouldn’t be any warning sign on the dashboard. Confirm the functionality of the seatbelts.
7. Air conditioning and heating system
A functioning air conditioner is an essential part of the used vans. And therefore it should be at its optimum performance. For example, the fun should respond to all levels of speeds. The air conditioners compressor should produce very minimal noise. Ascertain also the performance of the heating system.
8. Engine
Before switching on the engine, the bonnet should be cold on touching. If it is warm, then it means a fault with the engine. After switching it on, the production of excessive smoke and strange noises from the engine is a sure bad sign.
9. The paperwork
One of the most crucial tips for buying a used van is to deal with reputable dealers. Such dealers will avail you the vehicles service history. Verify that the vehicles registration number matches the record in the logbook. When the seller’s details are insufficient, then you can get additional details on the used van from the internet.
Before shopping for a used van, you have to find the related facts about it. If you doubt your assessment, then come along with an expert. But above all make your purchase from a licensed dealer.
For more info, visit: Citroen Van Sales.