Since your car is among your most valuable things, you may be concerned that you may damage it if you repair it wrong. Frequently, folks not educated on how to repair cars never learn and instead take their vehicles to a technician for minor repairs. However, mending a car is not intimidating nor complicated, and there are several fixes that anyone can perform using just the equipment in your garage. On top of that, many repair manuals are available on the internet. Here are seven car fixes that every driver must be able to do.
1. Replacing Your Tires
Tires are among the most critical components of your car. They may go flat upon you now and again. However, replacing a flat tire does not have to be difficult and might be a vital skill to master. The basic processes entail freeing the lug nuts with a wrench, lifting the vehicle off the floor with a jack stand, extracting the lug nuts and then the tire, installing the spare tire, twisting the lug nuts back on, leveling the car, and lastly, ensuring that the lug nuts are snug.
2. Jump Starting Your Car
You could have jump-started your batteries before if you reside in a chilly region or if you kept your lights on for an extended period. However, considering how seldom you may be doing it, it is simple to lose track of what belongs where. Connect the red jumper wires to the dead and charging batteries. Then, attach one end of the black jumper wire to the charging vehicle and the other to another metal surface.
Above everything, security comes first. Turn off both cars until the wires are linked. Whether your vehicle still won’t begin following after five to ten minutes, investigate if a larger vehicle, such as a van, can supply the power.
3. Cleaning Your Battery
Rust and corrosion will damage your vehicle since rust may impede the battery’s electricity from passing to your engine, preventing it from igniting. The incredible thing is that you can remove the rust from the battery using basic home materials, such as baking soda.
Disconnect the battery cable ends first and covers the battery terminals with water and baking soda. Clean it off with a toothbrush, allow the batteries to cool, and apply petroleum jelly to the terminals. Meanwhile, cleansing the battery is recommended once a year and only takes a minute. In addition, while you’re cleaning the battery, look for any leaks or fractures.
4. Changing Spark Plugs
Most people understand what spark plugs are and what they perform. The microscopic mechanisms within the cylinder generate sparks to ignite the fuel, resulting in the car’s power. However, they may wear out after around 10,000 miles. The solution is pretty simple. You need to locate your spark plugs, remove the spark plug wire, remove the defective spark plug, install a new spark plug, and reconnect the wire.
5. Changing Your Brake Pads
Compared to a technician, replacing your brake pads can save you a lot of money. If you’ve ever had to stop unexpectedly, the screeching noise is caused by the brake pads. However, if you hear that noise regularly, it could be time to replace the pads.
Your brake pads are placed beneath your vehicle, and you must raise your car using a jack before reaching them. Then, remove the wheel from your car, unscrew the caliper bolts, slip the old brake pad out, and replace it.
6. Replacing an Air Filter
The air filter of a combustion engine keeps particles such as dust out of the machine. Because the filters are brittle with time, they must be changed after three years. Luckily, this is one of the simplest auto-fixes, requiring just the purchase of a new air filter and the use of a screwdriver. The air filter is often a plastic tube located near the engine. Disassemble the box, remove the old filter, and insert the new filter. Check that the new filter is pointing the same way as the previous one.
7. Changing the Oil
You should constantly inspect and replace your car’s oil to maintain smooth operation and extend the engine’s lifetime. Replacing your vehicle’s oil is among the most basic auto repair and maintenance skills. Emptying the oil by extracting the oil drain plug, disassembling and removing the oil filter, reinstalling the oil filter and drainage plug, detaching the oil filler hole cover, and adding new oil are the methods of changing the oil.
Why Should You Know How to Repair Your Car?
Nothing beats the satisfaction of knowing how to maintain your car. After all, no one likes to take their vehicle to a car repair shop for every little issue, much alone the expense. Learning how to fix your vehicle will provide several advantages, including:
Spend Less Money
Whenever it refers to the basics of repairs, having your car fixed may frequently cost expense. This is because they often add brand new components in addition to paying for a mechanic’s services. In addition, because of how effectively they function, they might cost hundreds of dollars.
Accessible Information
Numerous individuals are unsure of where or how to begin when it comes to repairing their cars. However, there is a wealth of knowledge available online like on that may assist you with practically any problem. As a result, you can obtain various recommendations and suggestions for effectively repairing your automobile.
Nothing beats the thrill of completing a task that you started. This is especially true when it comes to car repairs. This is because numerous people love the rewards of their labor, such as fixing your automobile and taking it for a decent ride.
These easy steps may not only increase your car’s lifespan but also help you avoid big expenses. Thanks to advanced technology, several internet videos are available to help you understand how to accomplish these. You may also request assistance from a family member or friend.