4 Ways to Customise Your Van to Boost Your Business Sales

If you are running a business out of the back of your van, you are going to need to let the world know exactly what it is you are offering from within your van. Of course, you have hopefully found a van perfect for your business, because it would be fruitless to plan how to customize it without actually having it bought yet. Luckily there is a Ford Transit Custom For Sale that business owners can look into to see if it fits into their overall vehicle needs.

Take for example the typical ice cream van. An ice cream vendor on wheels who knows the tricks of the trade first announces his/her arrival with the tinkling tunes everyone has come to associate with the arrival of the ice cream truck. Then comes the truck itself with its colourful artwork that ensures even if you don’t know what ice cream is, simply looking at the truck’s painting will have you yearning for it.

Of course, the specifics of a van customization to boost sales is greatly dependent on what sort of wares or services your business offers – The ice cream van’s customization won’t work for a carpet cleaning company’s van. But there are four elements of customizing a business van that will apply to every business regardless the sort of goods or services they offer. These four elements are;

  1. Paint job

Your business van’s paint job must be a clear indication of what sort of business you are running. The base paint or overall colour scheme of the vehicle must be such that customers can easily associate it with the product or service you are offering. Most ice cream trucks use white or cream as the base paint, thus, if an ice cream truck were to be painted red, this might send the wrong message to customers more accustomed to white ice cream vans.

2. Branding

This involves decorating or inscribing on your van your business name and other elements that promote your business. Still using an ice cream van as an example, you typically see artwork indicating various sorts of ice cream flavours in mouth-watering states. Thus, your van should be clearly branded with at least your business name and logo, top services or products you’re offering, contact information, and a graphic depiction of your service/product. You can get more information on branding at Brand Stories to take your business to a new level.

  1. Sound system

Depending on your services, your van should be fitted with a public address system that will herald your arrival and alert your customers. Not every business will require this, e.g. cleaning services, landscapers, etc. But food trucks and related businesses can really benefit from this. The PA system can also be used to advertise what’s on offer.

While this might not be an actual customization, it is nonetheless necessary. With van insurance, you’re ensured that your vehicle is covered against damages that can cause irrecoverable financial loss to your business. Simply put, it’s a good business investment.